Into the future with innovative technology

REBER on course for digitalization

REBER Logistik is focusing on shaping the future. Together with employees, partners and customers, the company wants to achieve great things. For this reason, REBER is planning further important steps towards digitalization. What many companies in the logistics industry still find difficult, REBER wants to push forward with a cloud-based solution: the fully automated planning of delivery processes, including far-sighted capacity planning and the integration of customers as well as partners into a continuously digital process.

DVZ reported: Together with Fraunhofer IML, an IT partner was found that covers all the complex requirements of a furniture logistics company. After an intensive test phase, REBER will be able to completely digitalize the first site starting in November, from order management and load optimization to accounting and invoice verification. 

REBER is proud to fulfill its own requirements to make processes more digital and efficient. But not only that, REBER is also pleased to share this knowledge with the entire industry soon. Those who have access to the online area of DVZ can read the article including first details here