New Gigaliner
Following the successful introduction of the Type 1 long HGV with 17.80 m semi-trailers, REBER has now gone a step further: The newly purchased ‘gigaliner’ – also called a type 3 long HGV – with a total length of 25.25 m is the biggest possible combination for long HGVs. REBER’s familiar swap-trailer vehicles and single or double-axle trailers are used for this. They are connected to a dolly axle specially designed for REBER.
The technical requirements were tested under real conditions on 07/11/2020 with the help of TÜV Nord. With success, the official approval for this innovative vehicle combination was subsequently issued. Using these vehicles allows approx. 140 m³ of goods to be transported at once. That equates to approx. 50% more volume than with conventional vehicles.
With the help of the ‘gigaliner’, REBER is not only cutting fuel consumption and the emission of pollutants, but is also relieving the transport network. The Reber type 3 long HGV is the first of its kind in the furniture logistics sector. A genuine innovation and, at the same time, the perfect vehicle for REBER to achieve great things together with its clients!